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You can sponsor CED using Paypal, a 100% secure and free on-line payment service.

You can also send us a check at:

Canal Educatif à la Demande
65, rue Meslay
75003 Paris

Your gift will support:

• The English adaptation of our French videos
• The authors of the scenarios
• The professionals of Canal Educatif in charge of the productions
• The video shooting, directing and editing.
• Free and qualitative sharing of knowledge

Why donate ?

A significant part of our budget is funded by private contributions from generous culture lovers and promoters like you. Gifts of all amounts are appreciated and help us maintain the highest intellectual standards for our videos. Please be as generous as you can.
Your contribution to the CED is fully tax-deductible.
Related to public Interest, the CED is acknowledged by French authorities
Our annual accounts are audited by a statutory auditor

I want to support a specific video

Click here to learn more about our next video, Holbein's Ambassadors, and how to donate for this project.